January 30, 2024
A Real Post-a-palooza

Regular posts, micro-posts, pages… what’s up with all these different post types?

“Hey, I thought PupperPost was supposed to be simple!"

Once you get PupperPost up and running, the first thing you’ll want to do is write your first post! So why is it that when you hit the New Post button, you get this?

New post menu on macOS

PupperPost supports three types of post, giving you flexiliby to manage your blog with the writing you want to share! Let’s go over the types:


This is the default, every-blog-has-em type of post. In PupperPost, you get a full-featured editor to write posts of any length. You can include formatting, inline quotes, lists, images, video embeds, links and more. When you have something to really say, the Post is the type to go with.


Thanks to Twitter and other social media sites, people have become more accustomed to sharing their thoughts in more bite-size pieces. PupperPost has a light-weight micropost interface that gives you a 280-character limit, and the ability to upload images to attach to your post. The best part? You can automatically cross-post to Mastodon!


The final type is a static page. This type of post is a special link at the top of every page, and it’s used to provide content that all your readers might be interested in outside the chronological list of your posts. An About page, or Favourite Links, are two popular types.

Still wondering about the differences between post types on PupperPost? Feel free to email me with questions: aaron@innoveghtive.com

Brought to you by PupperPost