January 26, 2024
Re-Row Rorld

PupperPost exists because nothing else is quite like it.

Welcome to PupperPost! Thanks for joining me in this journey.

I built PupperPost to be the easiest way to blog! And boy, did I need an easy way to blog. Back in the day, I had a blog that was laboriously hosted on my own virtual private server, using Wordpress, and later Ghost. Wordpress was a security nightmare: if you don’t keep it up to date, you’ll fall victim to comment spammers and script kiddies trying to take advantage of lax updaters to take over your blog and turn it into a content farm.

The final nail in the coffin was the day I went to update my blog running Ghost and… I couldn’t remember how to do it! The software was so out of date that the current version’s documentation didn’t apply. I lost years of writing!

And here’s the thing: I’m a super nerd — if I can’t figure it out, what the heck is everyone else supposed to do? After all, Wordpress is about way more than blogging now. SquareSpace wants you to build a store, or a portfolio site, or something. What if you just want to blog?

Look, there’s always going to be a hacky way to put your words online. But I wanted to make an app — a beautiful, native app on the best computer platform! — that made it drop-dead easy. I think anyone who has an inkling to blog can do it with PupperPost.

So that’s what this is. Cute puppers, big posts, micro-posts, and a blog you don’t have to manage; it just works.

Stay tuned for more!

Brought to you by PupperPost