April 24, 2024
I’m really excited about this one. Following up on the introduction of new built-in themes for your PupperPost blog, I’m pleased to introduce a custom theme editor! You can now create your own themes, and apply them to your blog! Here it is: You can name your theme, choose from over 20 custom fonts, and set colours for all text elements on the site. The theme editor allows you to look at a mock... [Read More]
February 17, 2024
Let’s not bury the lede: there are new PupperPost themes! A blog theme is your chance to make your PupperPost blog your own. And now, paid PupperPost users will be able to select from five great themes, providing colour, personality and distinction to your blog. I’m really happy with these themes, created by developer/designer Nick Spreen. They provide a broad range of styles, and they look grea... [Read More]
January 30, 2024
Regular posts, micro-posts, pages… what’s up with all these different post types? “Hey, I thought PupperPost was supposed to be simple!" Once you get PupperPost up and running, the first thing you’ll want to do is write your first post! So why is it that when you hit the New Post button, you get this? PupperPost supports three types of post, giving you flexiliby to manage your blog with the wri... [Read More]
January 26, 2024
PupperPost exists because nothing else is quite like it.. Welcome to PupperPost! Thanks for joining me in this journey. I built PupperPost to be the easiest way to blog! And boy, did I need an easy way to blog. Back in the day, I had a blog that was laboriously hosted on my own virtual private server, using Wordpress, and later Ghost. Wordpress was a security nightmare: if you don’t keep it up t... [Read More]
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